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What's going on on SquidU?

After my controversial post in SquidU forum, and because my reasons for writing it were for real: I didn't feel fine in SquidU any more, I logged out the forum and don't go there any more, except when I monitor important announcements. Luckily for me as it seems that the forum was taken over by some angels that seem to rule it now and I definitely wouldn't feel as fine as I did in the past.

It's a pity because it was a pleasant place where I liked talking this and that with lensmasters, whether they share my opinions or not.

I've always considered myself as being unpopular in Squidoo and SquidU because I always frankly express my thoughts, even as a Squid Angel, I wasn't that popular. I've also often been mistunderstood or even accused of claiming things which I have never written, more particularly regarding plagiarism and duplicate content, where I stated that I don't systematically consider that everyone who has content found elsewhere on their lens did steal it and that I mostly leave the benefit of the doubt in case it justifies.

So no wonder why I was massively attacked when I wrote this controversial post regarding my thoughts about SquidU, Squidoo and the angel program. Strangely, reactions were agressive although when other lensmasters attacked my fellow Angel Kathy McGraw in the first 2010 term, reactions were less vindictive. Hm... More food for thoughts.

This being said, I know for a fact that I wasn't wrong and I'm happy to not go there as often as I used to do. This allows me to not get stressed for nothing and in addition, I can focus on the new website that I create with two pals.

However, I'd like you to know that I transferred the Easy Guestbook Tutorial lens to WordCustard, in hope that this lens will get more visitors than it used to have when it was lying in my account. I'm pretty sure that this very skilled lensmaster and wonderful Squid Angel will take care of this lens. And as a matter of fact, she was one of the co-author of this page that should have been built with the Squidoo Tips template (my mistake, I'm sorry for this). So, if you want to learn how to make your guestbook search engine friendly, the Easy Guestbook Tutorial is the place to go.

Promised, next week I'll post the remaining lenses that I blessed in March.


  1. Oh my, the state of "our" forum indeed. For some time now, I have watched a bit of decay happening there. To me, a forum is for learning, interactions, conversations, and friendly debates when they are warranted. I am wondering WHY it seems to have turned into a backlink directory? And, MORE importantly why are angels behaving badly in public? Is that angels basecamp closed? I'm hoping we get a forum moderator soon to corral the misadventures of our forum.

  2. Well, I understand Julie and share your feelings.

    Luckily all angels aren't acting like that and 90% of them are quite silent, discreet, working hard in trying to find blessworthy lenses.

    However, like you, I wonder why some others are doing what they do now and why spamming the forum with links seems having become a standard and hope that some responsibilities in the forum should be reserved to official moderators.

    But what happens now... well, what could you expect when you give borderline web- and lensmasters too much power?
