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Clever Weber Q Barbecue Comparison

As said in my previous post, the Summer fun category in Squidoo is quite empty and most lenses aren't bless worthy, therefore, I tried to find a first lens to bless in this category and found this nicely put together lens on Weber Q Barbecue comparisons.

The lens has been created by lensmaster dismantelrepair and is definitely an interesting overview of those Weber barbecues, smart comparisons and detailed information.

I hope that you'll head to Comparing Weber Q Grills? to check it out and comment on a lens that's really well done.

Posted by Squidoo Angel Prosperity66


  1. Heya!

    Rick here (AKA Dismantlerepair). Just happened to stumble upon this blog and was about to click on the link to see who else is writing about Weber BBQs and realised...its me! Thanks for the nice write-up, I appreciate it muchly!


  2. You're welcome. I liked the lens, therefore, after blessing it, I posted about it :)
