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Holly Hobbie and Strawberry Shortcake, Little Lavatory Ideas, Personal Info, Draw Roses, Digital Photo and Repairing Books

Corrupting My Childhood by lensmaster Kab
I fell in love with this Squidoo page because it does sticks to my own thoughts regarding the subject:
73HFXGR72UTR the fury of updating or most favorite characters, whether cartoons or else to please the new generation. This lens features Strawberry Shortcake and Holly Hobbie, two "old fashioned" little girls that were our favorite characters in the '80 and that were updated to look like Lolitas, having almost a sexuality! I think it's shocking and Kab explains how one can be hurt by those changes. Did these characters absolutely need to become teenagers, dance to the sound of R'n B, wear jeans and tops instead of their marvelous original clothes? Why did Strawberry Shortcake lose her strawberries? Why did Holly Hobbie lose her nice patchork dress? I don't know, but one thing is sure: I would have prefer to leave those characters as they were... I couldn't do without blessing such a marvelous lens!

Little Lavatory Ideas You'll Love by lensmaster BudgetBath_Inc

As stated in another post, I live in a Hobbit home - at least it is a very small house, lol. Because of this, I'm always interested in learning how to make a small space look bigger. Lensmaster BudgetBath_Inc created Little Lavatory Ideas You'll Love to show you how you can create a very nice and pleasant space in a really small bathroom. You'll even be able to watch two videos that walk you through the process. Definitely a lens worth a visit!

How to Remove Your Personal Information from Google and Internet by lensmaster JessicaM

This is a very interesting lens for anyone who's surfing the Web! Wherever you go on the Internet, your personal info is stored and can hurt you, if not tomorrow, next year or even in ten years. Potential employers can get access to an infinite number of private things you share on the Web - and particularly on sites like Facebook - and make decision on choosing another employee because of this. So, i fyou want to learn how to remove you personal information from Google and Internet, I suggest you to visit this invaluable resource!

How to Draw Roses by lensmaster Intuitive

I like tutorials and I loved this one: how to draw roses... Lensmaster Intuitive teaches you step by step how to draw roses with Photoshop. It's amazing how easy it is - I thought it would have been harder to make roses with this software! In this page you are going to learn how to use digital pen and ink, how transparency can help, how to play with the layers and much more! You'll even have two different picture explanations so that you are making sure to understand everything and are able to produce two different kinds of graphics.

FREE Digital Photo Editing by lensmaster Dagsmith

The first time I went to this Squidoo page, I must admit that I thought it would be a lens that would just suggest me a photo editor software and then leave me alone with my questions. No, no! This lens lists a bunch of different photo editing softwares along with their strengths and weaknesses. This way, whenever you're looking for a digital photo editor, you can make decision on the one that meets your needs. Moreover, each software has a lens that is related so if you want to learn more, you'll just have to click on the related Squidoo link and will be brought to the right page so that you can learn more about the software.

Book Repair by lensmaster Mickie G

My books are my best friends but, since I read, re-read and re-re-read them, they end up being quite damaged and need some repair. Fortunately, I found this book repair lens built by lensmaster Mickie G that teaches step-by-step how to repair books! The lensmaster will tell you how they became interested in repairing books, what can be repaired, the names of the parts of a book so that you don't make mistakes when you repair your books, there are even videos that show you how to do things! This is definitely the era of DIY!

Posted by Squidoo Lensmaster Prosperity66


Red Hook, Australian Shooters, Citroen 2CV, Poppies, Grandfather Clocks and much more

What's Special about Red Hook, NY? by lensmaster jptanabe

How well do you know Red Hook (Rode Hoek) NY? Or do you know Red Hook? Yes? No? Well, whatever your answer, lensmaster jptanabe's Squidoo lens is worth a visit! In this page you're going to discover a lovely American town, its history, the most famous buildings and also those that are the most special. Oh and, do me a favour... let the related pages mentioned all along this lens disturb you, Hudson Valley Mansions and Bridges are also a MUST see!

Australian Shooters Must be Licensed by lensmaster Skiesgreen

As usual, lensmaster skiesgreen created a controversial lens. This time it's quite different because she doesn't ask for your advice all along the lens but only states the facts clearly with a bunch of details. This page relates to guns and people that are whether members of shooting clubs or who like hunting. What's your advice? Should Australian shooters be licencied or not? I live in a country where weapons are forbidden and we have a lower crime rate than in the US so, my advice would be different from yes or no... but what's yours?

Grandfather Clocks -More Than Just Timekeepers by lensmaster alberttwolf

Here's a lens that features exquisite grandfather clocks and will teach you their history along with the history behind their name, how Herschede hall clocks were made, the best tips to buy a grandfather clock, and feature a collection of splendid grandfather clocks that are available for sale. If you too would like to get back to the past for a moment or would like to acquire a grandfather clock, I definitely suggest you to take an eye on this page.

Fibromyalgia - Information and Natural Cures by lensmaster Rajays

Two friends of mine have fibromyalgia and themselves know other people who have this horrible disease. The first friend is a young mother that lives alone with her children. She told me that when she feels that she's going to have a crisis, she opens all the bottles, cans, doors, etc. in advance so that whenever she's in crisis, the kids are always ensured to have something to drink or to eat or else, go to school. The other friend lives in America and I was surprised to see that she communicated during the European day hours... along with American day hours. So, she told me that the pain was so horrible that she couldn't sleep at night and thus spent her time on the computer speaking with Europeans! How horrible is that! What kind of life can these people expect? Are there treatments? Is there a solution? Visit this page, you'll learn everything you have to know about fibromyalgia.

What is Arthritis? by lensmaster ravedid

I've got my first arthritis crisis when I was 6 years old and was one month at home, not being able to walk or do anything. It was painful and horrible! I've got three injections of penicillin concentration before getting "healed". When I say healed, I mean the crisis stopped as arthritis is something that never leaves you alone. Many people have a false interprepation of arthritis and if you want to learn what it is exactly, I invite you to read the lens made by lensmaster ravedid.

Graphic Designs By-WhiteOak by lensmaster WhiteOak50

If you like graphics that are mystic, fairy, special, particular, beautiful... you're going to love the WhiteOak50's graphic designs. WhiteOak50 is a fantastic person opened to spirituality and lead by extraordinary experiences. Frankly, Eva, if an Autumn Rain looks anything like the one you feature on your lens, I won't complaint against the many seasonal rains we have here! And if a Mystic Night is at least 50% as beautiful as the one you created, I vote for 365 mystic nights a year!

Citroen 2CV Charleston by lensmaster ElleDeeEsse
If you're European, you will remember this fantastic car. If you're not European you might wonder what is Citroen 2CV Charleston! Well, it's a car. A horrible car - at least I find it horrible - that was produced for many years by Cirtoen. My grand father was Citroen's Fan number 1 and always had Citroen cars ; the first ones being the 4CV, then the Ami6 then the Ami8 and the two last were 2CV's. Along with the DS, the 2CV was Citroen's most popular car. And lensmaster ElleDeeEsse created a page especially for the car! She knows what she talks about as she travelled Europe in 2CV!

All About Poppies by lensmaster greenspirit

I love poppies, do you? I remember that when I was a little girl, I used to walk the countryside with my grand mother and we used to bring a lot of poppies from our walks! When I bought my home, it was the Winter but I moved into the home during the Summer and I noticed that the garden was full of poppies! How beautiful! Well, the lens I'm presenting here is dedicated to poppies. All types of poppies. And you're going to enjoy reading about poppies as well as love the marvelous pictures that are spread all over the lens!

Posted by Squidoo Lensmaster Prosperity66


American Dream, Asperger Child, Squidoo Engineering, Squidoo CSS tricks, Garden Design, Convict Records

Our American Dream, by lensmaster SixB

Our American Dream is an account of the immigration of the lensmaster's family as well as a tribute to Ellis Island. What did I find interesting in this lens? Well, I never went to a foreign country as a potential citizen; only as a tourist. So, immigration is something I ignore entirely. Actually, I'm more interested by history and this page is about history too. I thus learned what it took to become an American citizen in the past decades and during the previous century. Where did the immigrant came before being allowed to enter the United States, how many times they had to wait in Ellis Island, and much more.

Asperger's Child: From Mom's Concern To Diagnosis, And Beyond by lensmaster karatepooh

Lensmaster karatepooh is mother to an Asperger child. She accounts the journey of her son as an Asperger child. This page doesn't carry a complaint, it just tells you what the Asperger syndrome is and how the lensmaster copes with it. You'll also learn how many people are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, and includes the story of Christopher, her child. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it does break your heart, but the page is always interesting and you don't want to leave before the end... and even after the end, you wish that the author keeps adding content.

How We Engineered Squidoo by giltotherescue, Squidoo's Chief Engineer

I Squidoo, what about you? Have you ever wondered how Squidoo was born? Who, apart from Seth Godin was behind the project? Who were the guys and girls who developed the site? How We Engineered Squidoo is an account of how it all began in 2005. The lens is not that new, but I seriously think that all Fresh Squids - and even experienced Squids - should read this lens to understand and apprehend what Squidoo is and how it actually works.

My Favourite CSS Tricks on Squidoo by lensmaster thefluffanutta - the lensmaster tools builder

Apart from coming up with fantastic tools for lensmasters, thefluffanutta is also a real lensmaster and does create Squidoo lenses. While he does create average lenses, like anyone else on Squidoo, he also brought to the summit the How To Squidoo lensbuilding. And so, I fell in love with thefluffanutta Favourite CSS Tricks on Squidoo; which tells you how to create exquisite lenses and also how to play with very special CSS codes so that you can make very special lenses. I repeat: this is not the average how to CSS or HTML lens!

Use Convict Records To Trace Your Ancestor Online by lensmaster WordCustard

Almost everyone would like to know where they come from, who were their ancestors, what they did, what was their occupation, and so on. And what a pleasure to learn that you're about to get access to all the needed information about your origins! And how sad is to learn that your ancestor was a convict! However you should know that if your ancestor wasn't the Duke or Earl and/or King of Pacific Pie, it's hard to actually know what your ancestor did in their times. The big advantage as descendant of a convict is that you can use convict records to trace your ancestor online and get all the information you want - and sometimes more, like physical details regarding your ancestor (especially for these times when cameras didn't exist). And having a convict as ancestor isn't always worse... how many of them wouldn't have been convicts if they have lived in the 21st century? 80% of them, for sure!

Small Garden Design Ideas by lensmaster HomeDesigner

There aren't many solutions
1. lensmaster HomeDesigner is an experienced lensmaster that we all know under another lensmaster name. 
2. lensmaster HomeDesigner really joined Squidoo on Feb 8th this year and learned how to craft a lens so fast that I directly fell in love with the design I saw on this page! Whatever solution it is, the lens is worth a visit on your part, along with a nice comment and/or more if you want!

Reminder: Don't forget to vote for your favorite lenses at the Fresh Squids Challenge lens. You'll be pleased to see how well our Fresh Wonders worked and how much they learned is a very short amount of time! Along with the Fresh Squids Challenge, is the Nail that Niche challenge that is also open to Fresh Squids. Vote for your favorite lens there too. Thanks for them!

As for me, I built a new lens: Strawberry Love - I Love Strawberries. This Squidoo page is actually my strawberry lensography. What is a lensography? Well, it is something between a library and a biography. It does include short texts that explain why I built some lenses that are strawberries related and then I mention the link that will bring you to the strawberry lens. Hope you'll like :)


Scotland, Dusty Springfield, Speaking Canadian, Lotus Flowers... and many more blessings!

My computer has got a virus attack on Wednesday night - Security Essential 2010; which is a harmful virus that doesn't need to install to harm your computer - and it took me the entire Wednesday evening as well as 7 hours in Thursday to clean up the computer and recover my system. In the process, I definitely lost my Desktop wallpaper, my anti-virus, MalwareByte, Spybot and all my Firefox information, I even got Kaspersky anti-virus installed automatically (I never downloaded this software). The virus entered my computer without notice, I didn't have to check any button, nor got a notice that my computer was downloading something. 

I made a search on the Web and found that Security Essentials was harmful virus. However, it seems that the 2010 version is worst!

I thus re-downloaded all my anti-spyware and anti-virus softwares, re-installed them and everything seemed working fine... Well, seemed, uh! Then, on Friday morning, I got a notice that Firefox just installed a new version... the 3.8.5 version. Since I do not authorize FF to make automatic updates nor install new versions without notification, I directly de-installed the entire file, cleaned the computer once again, and then re-installed everything; which means that I lost all FF info, including the blessed lenses I use to save in a special file so that I can get back to them when I post.

Well, now that I'm back online, I can feature some of the lenses I blessed on Thursday. Let's go!

Quiz: How Well Do You Speak Canadian? by lensmaster kimmanleyort

I'm French speaker and depending on the country we live, we use whether older French or more modern French. In France, it is modern French that is used. In Switzerland and Belgium that is older. I think that in Quebec, it is very old French that is spoken. But don't all languages have their particularities? And so English does! The lens I'm presenting was built by lensmaster kimmanleyort and is really fun to take! It does measure how much you know Canadian! Funny, I got 7 out of 10 good answers! Eh, British and Canadian English are well known by French speakers. So, if you too want to have a lot of fun and learn many things about the differences between Canadian English and other types of English tongue, take the quiz! 

Information About Scotland -- A Novelist's Guide to Creating Scottish Characters and Settings, by lensmaster WordCustard.

I love anything British and/or coming or born in Great Britain. This is a country I really love and wanted to live in many years ago. The only problem being the weather - too similar to the one in Belgium and I have to say that I'm fed up with gray sky, rain, snow, wind, low temperatures, etc. But my country of choice isn't the purpose of this post. Actually WordCustard created a Squidoo lens that teaches novelist wannabes how to write a story that occurs in Scotland. By reading this page, you'll learn everything you have to know about the weather and temperatures, how to call your Scottish characters properly, she even gives you some names to take into consideration, both male and female first names. In the process you're going to learn how Scots look like, the most famous color of their hair and the legends, the language Scottish actually speak, how Scots must be called, the differences between Scottish, Scot, Scotch... As for me, my gift wishes didn't change: I still want 12 Tall Scots wearing kilts and playing bagpipe who would bring me nice red crystal vases and glasses!

Dusty in Memphis - The Album by lensmaster Waxing-Lyrical

When I was a teen, my aunt gave me an album of Dusty Springfield. It was the one called "With Love from Dusty" or "From Dusty with Love" (I don't remember as the album is in safe place while I don't listen to it any more because of the invention of the CD and also the one of the computer and nowadays my musics are into my computer - but I kept all my albums and singles). Anyway. Richard created a lens that is a tribute to Dusty Springfields's album Dusty in Memphis and the page is also an account of this marvelous singer's career! My favorite music is Blues and I love most of its belated musics like soul, motown, gospel, etc. Then, in my opinion, and if you like the sixties, blues, and great voices, you're going to love this lens!

The Beauty of the Lotus Flower, by lensmaster LotusMalas

My son asked me if I would agree that he builds a pond in our garden. Well, I always said no... but this lens convinced me to accept such a project and if he wants, my son will be authorized to build his pond. Why? Simply because I would want to have some lotus flowers into this pond, they are highly decorative, delicate and beautiful. In addition, and LotusMalas states their benefits in her lens, the lotus flower is symbol of spirituality. The page is beautiful and I blessed it not just because I love lotus flowers but also because the page is well designed.

Ways for Teens to Make Money, by lensmaster garyr_h

At first sight, when I saw the lens link, I thought "Oh my! Another how to make money lens that is surely against Squidoo TOS! But I visited the lens and read. This reminded me from the period I was a teen and used to wash the cars every Saturday so that I could get money to pay my cigarettes. I remember that some car owners would pay me up to 200 Belgian francs for one car - was $8 in these times. And since I washed more than one car, I earned a lot of money - all gone into smoke! So, in this Squidoo lens, you're going to discover the best ways for teenagers to earn money: car washing, lawn mowing, baby and/or animal sitting and much more!

Voila, that's it for today. I'm still working at looking for the other lenses I blessed.

As for my own Squidoo work... I created two lenses that relate to Easter as I needed some. The first one presents a collection of fantastic unique Easter gifts in a basket - all are edible gifts, of course. The second one features Jim Shore Easter Collectibles, a marvelous collection that will bring you in Easter wonderland!

See you soon for a new post!



The Glorious Egg, Edward Tulane, Gear For Your Kitchen, Hargrove Paintings and much more!

Which appeared the first one: the egg or the hen? Why am I beginning a post with such a question? Well, because I'm about to present a lens that relates to... eggs. Prelude to Easter? Spring envy? Desire to share attractive egg pictures, both naturals or artworks? Well, I don't know but I loved this Squidoo page made by lensmaster SusannaDuffy: The Glorious Egg. As Susanna usually does, The Glorious Egg is treated on a historical and highly seductive mode. Oh and by the way, there are a few extraordinary egg pictures on the page!

Still in the Easter and/or Spring mood, here's Edward Tulane, a lens made by Vanidiana. First, let me tell you that I blessed the Edward Tulane page because I like the overall layout and the way Vanidiana speaks about the book. Next I blessed it because I like when someone recommends a book and/or a movie that is of good will and teaches love. Of course, I'm a person who thinks that true love can't be taught or learned, instead I think love is a sentiment that comes from the bottom of your heart and that those who learned how to love don't love in reality but reproduce an expression they were taught. Anyway, the page about Edward Tulane book and CD is worth the look and I'm pretty sure you'll like as much as I did.

Call me stupid or whatever you want but after having read the page I'm about to talk, I still don't know if it's for serious purpose or if it's a humorous thing. Well, it's all about Alton Brown's Gear For Your Kitchen book. Lensmaster splendidbaker presents this must-have reference guide for cooks that is Gear for your Kitchen. So I wrote this on the page as comment: "I've the necessary ustensils in the kitchen to cook... but I don't have any handy materials; can I use the kitchen ones instead?" Yep! It seems that you don't have to buy any kitchen ustensils: handy tools can do the work instead. Oh my... Go read Alton Brown's Gear For Your Kitchen, I promise you'll laugh a lot or find the way to stop spending your hard earned money in kitchen ustensils!

In this page that relates to Hargrove Paintings, you're going to learn who's H. Hargrove in reality. You're also going to discover their most beautiful paintings. Lensmaster OneFootPutt says that H. Hargrove's paintings make them think to Norman Rockwell's paintings. Well, indeed Hargrove's got certainly inspired by Rockwell as they often have this 50's aspect but personally I think that these paintings look naive in the positive sense of the word. What do you think?

Not so long ago there was a trend that was to hang a lot of painted houses on the walls. Do you remember, these little houses and/or buildings were made out of plaster... Well, I had a few of these painted buildings hanging on my walls until they got replaced by masks and then by frames and then by... Oh my! What made me think to these decorating items is the page made by lensmaster Yosemite and that teaches how to hand paint rock buildings. Ok, the artist would place such painted rocks in a curiosity cabinet but I would say that you can use decorated rocks everywhere you want! So if you want to learn how to paint rocks, go read this page, you won't regret it!

If you want to learn French easily, I highly suggest you to follow lensmaster smange advice in a lens that teaches you how to learn French easily. Here you're going to learn how to find the best French lessons online and offline, what are the best French textbooks, where to find French online courses, and a lot of great tips to learn how to speak French. This is a fantastic page built by a fresh Squid and I lensrolled this page to my how to teach English to a French speaker.

If you're young and decide to leave your parental home, if you're parent and your child is about to leave the home, you need to take an eye to this page: Things for your First Apartment. In this Squidoo page, you're going to learn the best tips any person about to take their first apartment need to know. Best of all is that this short guide is also useful to anyone who moves from their first apartment to the second one or even those that move for the tenth time... we always forget something, we always lose a few things in the process of moving!

Have you read Who Invented Strawberry Shortcake Doll? Did you like this page? If  you did, you're going to enjoy the Best Strawberry Shortcake Games; which is a Squidoo page - in the strawberry category - that I created two days ago. In this page, I list the five best Strawberry Shortcake Games that got the best rating from Amazon customers along with a bunch of links to free Strawberry Shortcake  online coloring pages and free onlin games. Easter time is approaching and you're surely going to look for a nice little gift to bring your kids, so go read the lens, you'll find some terrific ideas!

Posted by Squidoo Lensmaster Prosperity66
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Jethro the Donkey, Wild Faces, Bern, Flowers, Books, Excuses... all Blessed!

I live in the countryside and we have a few prairies with horses, ponies, cows (of course) and... next to the school where I worked two years ago, there is a donkey. The town district has also the chance to have TWO donkies. I love those animals. When I worked at the school, I used to go to the donkey with the kids, they gave bread, carrots to the animal and they had a lot of fun as he generally spoke with them - well in his donkey tongue of course. Well,  the page I blessed yesterday is called My Donkey Jethro; this name made me think to the Beverly Hill Billies... The lens was created by ChapelHillFiddler and the page is an account of the chance she has to own a pet donkey! If you too like donkies, I recommend a visit to this very interesting page!

It's the very first time that I see such a lensography on Squidoo. At first sight, I thought it was an "About Me" page that would be an account of a lensmaster's professional life. But after having read further, I discovered a hidden library into the page itself. This library gathers all lensmaster WildFacesGallery pages created on Squidoo while at the same time help you discover their lensmaster life. Wild Faces Gallery Art Lensography is definitely a great example of how a lensography can be turned into a really attractive page.

Whenever you plan to have a trip to Bern, Switzerland, you're going to love this page. Whenever you would want to go to Switzerland but can't for whatever reason, you're going to love this page too. In any case, Bern Festivals | Special Events in Bern is a very attractive lens made by lensmaster lakshyaa who's an expat living in Switzerland. The positive aspect of such a lens is that it's been created by a non native and that's what brings more interest. In this page, you are going to learn more about the Berner Fasnacht, the Bern Jazz Festival as well as the sportive events in Bern. 

Sometimes, my friends say that I'm crazy because I love unusual things. Well, I don't like all unusual things of course. But for example, I'd like to have a koala or live in New Zealand. Get the picture? I live in Europe, I'm a very lambda citizen, I'm more of a sedentary person and will probably never put a foot in New Zealand (unless the ocean solidifies) nor have a koala (I couldn't lock a wild animal). In the same mind, I loved the page I'm going to present: Australian Native Flowers, by lensmaster oztoo. By the way, I love his avatar: a koala!!! So, this page presents a collection of unusual (for the European that I am) flowers. In this page, I learned that there are floral emblems for each of the Australian states, I discovered amazing pictures of very unusual flowers and am still wondering if I really want to have a baksia seed pod...

Do you like to read? I do. I read one book a week - it's a minimum especially since I have Internet at home. I couldn't do without reading. Whenever there's nothing interesting in the libraries or in stores, I re-read a old book. There are books that I've read 10 or 20 times! My favorite types of books are History and Agatha Christie genre. So, I went to the lens named How to Buy Books Online and created by lensmaster skiesgreen. When it comes to writing, this lensmaster is extremely productive! So, it would be hard to write an accurate summary in 100 or 200 words but all in all, in this page you will learn where to buy or rent books, by categories, she also details where to rent or buy textbooks, books for children, and even recommends some book readers.

This one attracted me like magnet! It's the kind of topic I adore... calling in sick! In Good (and not so good) Excuses for Calling in Sick; which is a Squidoo page created by lensmaster rms (Robin, who's also a Giant Community Organizer and a Squid Mentor) you're going to discover the Squidoo lensmasters best excuses for calling in sick! Indeed, there's a "duel" module into the lens - a duel module is a module that allows you to add your own comments, you're not obliged to start a fight. Some of them were highly creative and if others didn't call in sick, they know people who did! So, if you want to have a big laugh and add your own excuses, go visit this page!

Besides this, I've got the honor of having my Cute Things to do on Valentine's Day awarded with a purple star! I'll consider this my Valentine's Day and birthday gift! 

On the other hand, I published a brand new lens: Who Invented the Strawberry Shortcake Doll? This lens is an account of the fantastic story of a nice little character, Strawberry Shortcake, born on greeting cards and that became one of the most popular characters of the late 1900's! The lens is part of my Strawberry collection and I plan to publish a new one whether tomorrow or by Monday. Strawberry Shortcake is also known as Charlotte aux Fraises;)

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Foreclosure, Zombies, Maori, Irish Music... More Blessings

From Middle Class to Poverty to Homeless, by lensmaster Kathy McGraw
The 2008 financial crisis hit so many people! How many people in the world lost all their assets? How many lost their car, home, or whatever other things they owned? How many of these people do you know? I mean, it's tragic to learn that someone somewhere lost their job, car, home. But it's even worse when it's someone you know. You'd like to do something but you were hit by the crisis too, sometimes less than the one you know but we all were hit by those financial manipulations, we helped save the financial sector and instead of thanking us for the help, they reply with vengeance. And so, they did to my friend, without any single valid reason. And all I could do is bless her account of the problems she faced and the trouble she's now. I hope she'll earn so much money that one day, she could buy the bank that sold her home. It is my hope that you visit this page, and then visit her other pages that are linked to the same problem. The more visitors, the more people aware, the more we could do - not only to help her, but to prevent this from happening to others as something must be done: the financial sector CANNOT keep leading the world!

Would You Survive A Zombie Attack? Take This Quiz To Find Out! by lensmaster Mahogany
When Miss Mahogany starts writing, she can't stop. So needless to say that instead of being a simple quiz, this page is a real Zombie encyclopedia. Personally, I know nothing about Zombies as I don't like horror movies or books and try to never watch them. However, if you ask me what I would do in case I meet some Zombies, I would answer that... I would run quick... very quick! What about you? Take the quiz and enter the debate to share your own point of view regarding Zombies.

Maori Wood Carvings, by lensmaster MikLint
Lensmaster MikLint is specialized in Maori culture and created many many pages about the subject, all highly interesting. They are real informative resources for anyone who's interested in learning the story, traditions, artwork of these New Zealand inhabitants. In this page MikLint walks you through Maori wooden arts. When words aren't enough to describe the high quality of a work, a visit is indispensable.

Irish Music For St. Patrick's Day, by lensmaster Waxing-Lyrical
Irish Music is the trend and for valid reasons! I like that kind of music and when I go all out with my friends I often end up in an Irish Pub located in Charleroi. But my habits aren't the purpose of this page. Actually, you're about to enter the Saint-Patrick holiday and discover the best Saint Paddy's music. So, have a visit to this marvelous page, you'll enjoy Saint Pat few weeks in advance and won't regret the trip!

Iron Pot Racks, by lensmaster Puzzlemaker
If you're like me and love iron stuff with a passion, then you're going to love this page! Puzzlemaker gathered the most wonderful iron pot racks an present them on a very well done page. Iron pot racks are pieces of art even if you don't hang nothing on them! And I would really like to have one in my kitchen... Ah, I wish I would be a handy person so that I could change my kitchen ceiling and have a rack!

Make a Mad Hatter Hat, by lensmaster Comfortdoc
Hats anyone? What about a Mad hatter hat or top hat? Have you tried to make one yourself? What's your favorite top hat? Well, in this page you're going to discover a huge collection of both homemade and ready made hats. This page that was made Lens of the Day on Feb 11th, 2010 is also an encyclopedia. I highly recommend a visit!

Jason Castro: Singer, Songwriter, and Rising Star, by lensmaster arncyn
I'm not a fan of TV shows like American Idol (in my country there's no show like this one, but in France there's some kind of low quality copy called "A la recherche de la nouvelle star") and thus, I know nothing about Mr Jason Castro. But while reading the page built by lensmaster Cynthia, I learned some things about this singer-compositor and even played the videos. Oh, have to say that the type of music he plays does meets my tastes ;)

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Recently Blessed Lenses on Squidoo

Hi everyone :)
I'm here once again to present the Squidoo lenses I blessed recently. 

Songs Banned by the BBC, lensmaster Waxing-Lyrical
If you're too young to remember that there was a time when radios and TV's banned songs, then you'll like this page. If you do remember those times when songs got banned, then you'll love the page. Waxing-Lyrical built a lens that recalls those wonderful songs - that we all love - and that couldn't be broadcast for whatever reason - most of the time it was because of "closed mind". From A Day in the Life, performed by my beloved Beatles to Je t'aime moi non plus, written and performed by Serge Gainsbourg or the famous Love to Love you Baby by Donna Summer, this page revives those fantastic songs that we still sing nowadays!

The Visitor: Movie Review, by WordCustard
When a talking and smiling little green pear goes to cinema and then reviews the movie she just watched, one never knows what one can expect. Well, I'd say that, even if The Visitor is basically the kind of movie I tend to overlook for some reasons - mainly because I only love comedies that make me roll on the floor - I decided that I HAVE TO watch The Visitor! Can you believe it? Well, the review is fantastic, the layout is done in a way that makes you want to learn more and that prevents you from stop reading. So, if you too would like to learn more about a great movie to watch, then, go to the little green pear's page and enjoy.

Valentines Day Ideas For Kids, lensmaster ToddleTees
Lensmaster ToddleTees is quite new lensmaster and I blessed this page because I suspect this lensmaster of having been a Squid in a previous life - I mean, the page is wonderfully done, the topic is quite interesting and unusual as it relates to Valentine's Day for KIDS and there is a succulent cookie recipe! Oh... I forgot to mention that ToddleTees is a man... and would deserve the status of RocketDad!

Paintings of Blood, Snow and Midnight, by Flynn the Cat
The Cat (he? she? what?) has done it again! Wonderful gallery showing their most splendid red/black/white paintings! What's my review? Well, I would say that I love black and white stuff and, when it comes to paintings, I more than a classic person with classic tastes (still this history stuff, uh!) What this Cat does isn't not classic at all, it's all modern so one could think I wouldn't be interested but I like it. Then when it comes to red, I'm not really fan of this color as main color in a painting (still this anti-violence stuff, uh!) So one can think I wouldn't like this page. But I like it a lot and blessed it! If you like the colors, modern stuff, go to this page, you'll fall in love right away!

Rebirth of a 1918 House, by lensmaster vallain
Lensmaster Vallain's sister got their house damaged by a fire. The house was a 1918 house and as you know, restoring old houses can be not only costly but also really hard as one has to find exactly how things were done so that one can restore them properly. This page includes a diary which starts after the fire and walks you through the process of restoring the house. Then the page changes and becomes a diary of the year 1918 that will teach you a lot of interesting things about this year. So if you too like both old houses and stories, I stronly recommend to visit this page!

Best March Ever: 2010, by lensmaster Strayspay
This page is a page that recaps the special days of March with a special focus on Saint-Patrick. So, if you would like to learn more and get some interesting Saint-Pat's quotes, visit the page, it's the special blessing of the day.

Celebrate Your Child's Adoption Day! by lensmaster adoptiondesigns
This lensmaster is mother to two adopted children and gives you fantastic ideas of gifts to get your newly adopted child so that they feel welcome in their new family. Well not only the idea is generous but the gesture of adopting children is too. So, I blessed this lens for not only the overall layout that is attractive, the gesture, the idea and also because adoptiondesigns is a new lensmaster who created three very nice pages already.

Are you ready for the Spring?

Well, I'm not really ready to start gardening as the Spring isn't close to come here - we just had snow today... Eeeek! I hate snow! Anyway... this doesn't keep me away from planning my next plantations... an so I decided to keep doing something I started last year: growing strawberry plants in pots. I thus planned to buy some new pots, then I'll also buy strawberry pots (these are special pots to grow strawberries but you can use them to grow little flower plants or even herbs!) and I'd like to try to grow strawberries in strawberry pots indoors! That will be a test, of course! I'll keep you update on how it works. 

Next I'm also going to paint the kitchen walls as well as look for a few wall decorating items. The first items I'd like to buy are vintage strawberry pictures as I think that vintage posters do very well as decorating stuff. So, watch out for my gardening news and/or click on the red links included in this strawberry article and visit the related lenses I just created :)

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Angel on Squidoo Blessed these Wonderful Pages!

The Best Vintage Propaganda Posters, by lensmaster Addaptabilities
It seems that the Squidoo gang is going vintage posters at the moment... Is that an effect of the spring that is in the air? Is that because they get depressed and want to get back to the previous decades? No, of course not! They just like class and style and want to share the best vintage posters with you all! So, if you would like to take an eye on Uncle Sam claiming that US Army Wants you or would like to know how the Red Cross Roll Call looks like, visit Addy's page, you won't regret the trip!

When the Soul Awakens: The Path to Spiritual Evolution and a New World Era, by lensmaster Spirituality
Our spiritual in-house lensmaster - yes, she's a specialist! - built a page that will walk you through When the Soul Awakens book. But, as specified by Spirituality, this page isn't only a book review, it's an online guide to resources to spirituality. And as usual, Spirituality did things very well. So, if you're looking for inspiring spirituality sources, I suggest you to get to Katinka's Squidoo page!

Love Coins for Bilqis, by lensmaster vanidiana
This one is a little special and this subject doesn't require a long conversation: Anindya Bilqis Passa (Bilqis), is a baby that suffers from biliary atresia and vanidiana is collecting funds to help their mother pay for their transplant operation. So, if you're in a charity oriented mind today or simply, if your heart just hears the call of Bilqis' mother, visit this page.

All About The iTampon - the Best Jokes, by lensmaster Flynn the Cat
Ipad will be released soon and Flynn the Cat - still ignore whether this cat is a male or a female one... grrrr! - took the buzz train and created a funny page that transformed the ipad into an itampon! If you want to roll on the floor, go read this page, it's worth the time you'll spend and don't forget to recomment the i-Tampon page to your friends! I'm pretty sure it could replace a Monopoly party tonight!

Trail of Painted Ponies Figurines, by lensmaster HorseAndPony
This lensmaster loves ponies and horses and most of her lenses are horses and/or ponies based. This one is a poney page, and I fell in love with most of the designs I discovered. Well, actually I'm fed up with the Winter that isn't about to come to an end since we're in the beginning of February. Sometimes, I even feel a little despressed because of the gray sky, snow, rain, cold, etc. Well, I have enough, period! Thus, when going to this lens, I didn't expect a lot except seeing horses and/or ponies. I was all wrong! They're all chosen in bright, fresh, happy, smiling colors. I thought the Spring had finally come! Oh, what a pleasure to look at all these painted ponies! My favorite one? Earth Angels painted pony - a white butterfly themed pony. Yep, the Spring has definitely settled in my mind!

Edible Cupcake Toppers, by lensmaster Kharadriisa
Here's a yummy Squidoo page built by lensmaster Kharadriisa, aka Heather. The picutre in the intro (chocolate cupcake) is so sexy that I couldn't do without having a look at the entire page! Then, I discovered the princess cupcake toppers, then the Kiss rock band themed toppers, and then the kebab cupcakes... How could I resist?

Asparagus Casserole Recipe, by lensmaster OhMe
I love asparagus and they are the principle vegetables I eat during the Summer - as I can eat them whether cold or hot. My favorite asparagus are green. There are a bunch of different recipes to prepare asparagus but this one is a first time for me. So, I visited the page, I loved what I saw and decided to prepare asparagus casserole the way the recipe is presented in OhMe's page. Oh, ok, I'm going to use fresh or frozen asparagus instead of canned ones as I don't like canned vegetables while I find them extremely useful. Sexier ingredient? Cream mushroom soup...

Get Your Kicks On Route 66 Through Flagstaff, Arizona by lensmaster Ramkitten
Ready to continue the trip on the legendary Route 66? Here's Ramkitten's page that is entire part of the Route66 group and that walks you through the part of this route known in the whole wide world, that crosses Arizona - more particularly Flagstaff. While visiting the lens, I appreciated the Galaxy Dinner picture that is the best example of an American snack bar dreamed by an European, the Historic Downtown Flagstaff, the wonderful vintage car featured on the page and the Flagstaff train station!

Pachelbel's Canon by lensmaster LeanneChesser
This page is a strong reference to a piece of classic music - we here call it "serious music" - that seems having touched Leanne's heart. Well, I'm fond of history and my favorite century is the one of Louis XIV as it's the most "sparkling" one. I think the 17th century is a fantastic century for the arts. Don't take me wrong, Renaissance (16th century) is also a marvelous period when it comes to arts, whether music, paintings or whatever you want. But Pachelbel's Canon is part of Baroque music and this type of music is the one that fits the 17th century with perfection.

Study: Will Watching Avatar the Movie Make Me Sick? by lensmaster happynutritionist
Ouch! We're touching the trends here. I won't say we're touching quality. I watched Titanic when it was broadcast on TV only because I'm not fan of trends and won't be watching a movie because everyone will do. When watching Titanic, I was so upset that I've never watched a second time. This page asks whether watching Avater can make you sick... In summary I would say that nowadays cinema plays the politically correct game; which produces movies that bring fake information to people, American cinema relies on Special Effects too much while French cinema is getting you depressed. Fortunately, one is free to rent a good old movie DVD.

The Funniest St. Patrick's Day Designs on the Web are here at Make Me Laugh - St Patrick's Day Edition by lensmaster Pukeko
Ready for Saint Patrick's Day? Go get your t-shirts! Lensmaster Pukeko gathered a bunch of funny stuff related to Saint Patrick's day! My favorite one? A t-shirt that features a shark saying "Kiss me, I'm Irish" and that I could make mine just by changing a word: Kiss me, I'm a SquidAngel ;)

David McCallum: The Real Reason I Watch NCIS by lensmaster GrannySage
Grannysage is David McCallum's fan! I so am I... I also started to watch NCIS because he was in the crew and don't regret it because I began to appreciate this series and watched all episodes. So, thanks Mr McCallum... Obviously, Grannysage relates a few of Mr McCallum's other series and roles in movies so if you're a fan, I recommend to visit this page!

An Ode to Valentines Day by lensmaster Wizard-Morton
Personally written poems, a very nice Valentine's Day page that you owe yourself to visit. While you're on this page, go to visit his profile and there you'll find all his poem lenses - I advise you to visit each of them.

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How do I know if I'm plagiarising?

Hello :)
First post today is about a Squidoo page created by lensmaster SusannaDuffy. The page name is Is it Plagiarism? and is a very up-to-date matter! Since I'm a Squidoo Angel, I visit many more pages than I used to do before and believe it or not, many pages I found are simply made out of copy/paste articles found on other websites.

While using article directories' articles isn't forbidden, it is NOT an option on Squidoo mainly because Squidoo WANTS and REQUIRES unique and personally written content. So, if you want to be a lensmaster you have to write your articles yourself.

Lastly, I even found some lenses that were nothing else than copied/pasted Clickbank sales pages! Can you imagine it? I wouldn't and it took me a few minutes before I realize the person really copied/pasted a sales page. Then, the very next day, this person published another one, and then another one, and so on.

A third trend I noticed is that with the Squidoo 52 Week Challenge going on on Facebook, the principle of this challenge being to build one SALES lens per week, many lensmaster think that they aren't required to build a "content rich" page and simply copy/paste content they found elsewhere. Two persons even have found a way to drive me crazy with such tactic: they steal one or two sentences in articles they found on the topic somewhere on the Web and simply paste them into the lenses; sentences after sentences, without even taking the time to rewrite a single word! 

Where will this trend stop? I don't know. But one thing I know is that I'll never bless nor rate such lens and will always report themalong with the links to the sites that provided the actual content - even if there are, as I noticed - ten different sites where the content was stolen!

So, what is plagiarism? What is correct content to put on a lens? SusannaDuffy took her time to detail everything in her lens. This lens was yesterday's Lens of the Day and I strongly advise you to check it out!

I'll post the other lenses I blessed during the weekend later so that I can give SusannaDuffy's lens the main position.



Angel on Squidoo's last blessings - Feb 3rd and 4th, 2010

Whimsical Garden Art, by lensmaster MiaBellezza
The Squidoo page I blessed yesterday was speaking to me because I'm crazy about gardening. Indeed, there are many passions in my life and I haven't enough with 24 hours a day to dedicate to them in addition to live, doing my work, housework, eat and sleep. But that is another story. So, in Whimsical Garden Art, you'll discover strange garden artworks. Oh no paintings but accessories that would embellish your garden, like this exquisite garden tree house (I've always dreamed of having a house in the trees!) or this awesome British looking  telephone booth garden shed.

Art Journals for Children, by lensmaster theraggededge
Funny story! I blessed this lens although this was just hot from the press - Bev did just click on the publish button and bam! the lens got blessed! Wow! Amazing, isn't it? Ok, the theme is the one of Thanksgiving but Bev did a fantastic job in desinging this page! I love the way she did the background to fit with the theme - it's brown and beige, wow! Classy page! Oh, the subject? Journals for kids of course, eh, journals aren't only for adults! And not any kind of journals... no madam! Bev created a page on Art Journals! Indeed, I would agree with her, art journals can be a great thing! How wonderful it is to let the children express themselves, their feelings, their creativeness in a book... that is of their own, they can keep for their entire life.

Edited 2/5/10: Bev changed the theme into the purple one and added a bunch of blue backgrounds. Make me think to the glorious 50's now, still a great lens in a design that I love!
I tried my best Fighting Deafness, by lensmaster Spook
Defeating deafness... it's something anyone who has such problem is looking for, am I right? But there's a way to do so. Oh, Spook isn't advertising any kind of high cost program or type of expensive ebook that isn't anything else than lie... no, he does share what he did to overcome deafness. And since I'm James Bond (and Johnny English) fan, well, I was extremely interesting in the details about lip reading! Very interesting even if you don't have to fight deafness, I recommend to read this page! 

Unique Gift Idea: A Personalized Desk for Kids in East Africa, by lensmaster KimGiancaterino
Looking for a gift idea? Give a personalized desk for the children that live in East Africa! What's best gift than the gift to give? And if you aren't looking for a gift to give, do yourself the gift to give such present to a child that really needs one! And have you ever found a desk that would cost only $40? Have you ever bought (these last 10 or 20 years) something that would provide work to the local workers? If you're looking for getting help to children in East Africa, you owe yourself to have a look at this page.

Squidoo Help for Beginners, by lensmaster Stoney2009
Are you thinking about joining Squidoo? Worrying about the process to sign up and join the community? Don't look further, lensmaster Stoney2009 made a step-by-step photo tutorial on how to join Squidoo and start building your first Squidoo page (called a lens). Great tutorial for any Squidoo beginner or wannabe!

Fun Winter Activities In Flagstaff, Arizona, by lensmaster Ramkitten
I was 100% wrong! I always thought that Arizona was a hot, very very hot area in the US and now I just learn that I was mistaken! How's that possible? Indeed, Debbie just proves that Arizona is an area where you can ski... What? Ski??? Yessssssssss! All activities are covered: skiing, snowboarding, sledding, ice skating, you can do all of these activities in Flagstaff, Arizona! Well, I don't like snow but Arizona is MY personal American dream so I wanted to get informed about the things I could find there whenever I go. And I don't regret the visit to this page!

Minnesota Indoor Water Parks: A Fun Winter Activity for the Family, by lensmaster triathlontraining
Don't like snow and/or snow/Winter outdoor activities? No problem, lensmaster triathlontraining built a page that lists the most fantastic indoor water parks in Minnesota. The list includes the Parks of the Twin Cities, such a Grand Rios Indoor Water Park ; those from Duluth, like Edgewater Resort & Water Park ; Outstate Water Parks, i.e. Paul Bunyan Water Park and much more. So, if you live in Minnesota - or if you like to move to have fun - I invite you to check this page.

Luvmyludwig's Lensography, My Squid Journal, by lensmaster Luvmyludwig
As I said in a previous post, I'm not the kind of person who would like to speak about herself but this doesn't mean that I'm closed to learn anything about the others :D Hey, I'm curious, like anyone else! And so, I went to Crystal Touchton's page and discovered the story of her life. I liked what I read and would like to share it with you as it is written on a light and sometimes funny tone, what makes that the story is particularly interesting.

Bedroom Feng Shui, by lensmaster WhiteOak
Feng Shui... A trend, isn't it? But I really tried it out few years ago, when I still lived in an apartment in Brussels. I carefully followed the instructions, displayed the colors at the right places, and really noticed a change whether in the ambiance of my home but also in my mind. Then, we moved to the countryside where I bought a home that needs huge improvements and I couldn't start decorate it properly without these improvements otherwise, I would have decorated my bedroom following the Feng Shui instructions. Eva states that only one item makes the difference and I 100% agree with her! Give it a try and you'll see by yourself. But in order to make things properly, go visit her page :)

Maori Hei Matau | Hand Made Fish Hook Pendants, by lensmaster MikLint
Anyone who met me knows that I dream of living in New Zealand. I don't know why, I never went to this country, I only know that I'd love to live there and definitely love this area. Long ago, I've read a book about the Maori and always wanted to learn more about them and their traditions. Lensmaster MikLint builds pages about the Maori's arts - generally fine arts like jewelry. And this page I invite you to visit features many exquisite pendants. Along with very nice pictures of pendants, you'll also discover a short story... Definitely a trip to make - and since you can travel without leaving your home, I highly recommend to visit this page!

Norman Rockwell Art & Collectibles, by lensmaster Christene
If you like Norman Rockwell and his artwork, you'll be delighted to visit Christene's page. She not only provides information and details about Mr Rockwell but she also features wonderful creations made by this artist. Norman Rockwell art & collectibles is made for those that have collection of Rockwell's art or for those who would like to start collecting these items. You'll find a bunch of really nice decorating items, Christmas decorations and paintings!

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